In 1929, the first Saxon youth recreation home was built in Ottendorf in Saxon Switzerland. The young workers toil six days a week and urgently need rest. After its completion, the recreation home on the Endlerkuppe hill offers space for 160 young people. The hygiene standards are very modern with central heating and running water. The building is designed by architect Kurt Bärbig from Dresden. Simple materials, harmonious colors and functional details create a friendly atmosphere.
However, with the transfer of power in 1933, the youth recreation of the Social Democrats comes to an end. After the Bund Deutscher Mädel (BDM), the Communist Party (KPD) and finally the Socialist Unity Party (SED) of the GDR move into the complex. In 1990, the Treuhand takes over, the owners change several times and are unable to prevent the building from falling vacant. While numerous ideas remain unrealized, vandalism and theft drive up investment costs. In 2029, Saxony's first recreation home will be one hundred years old. Money and support are urgently needed so that this unique ensemble can have its big anniversary.